absolut berlin
Absolut is proud to announce Absolut Berlin, the first ever Absolut City Limited Edition in Germany. Absolut Berlin features the artwork of Berlin-based artist Zhivago Duncan, known for his messy, anarchic, multimedia creations. Duncan’s design turns the iconic Absolut bottle into a window looking onto one of Berlin’s own iconic Monuments – the Fernsehturm. The bottle features a magnified image of the Fernsehturm’s famous sphere, with a Dick Flash quote done graffiti-style: “Es ist nicht einfach immer ein Rebell zu sein” – “It’s not easy to always be a rebel.” A perfect expression of the spirit of a city that has long been at the forefront of contemporary art and culture.
The color palette reflects aspects of Duncan’s own experience of Berlin: gray for the old cement structures, green for the urban forests, turquoise for the oxidation of old statues, cadmium yellow for the golden bricks during a Berlin summer sunset, and pink for the sunrise after a long night out engaging the city and its people.
Absolut Berlin will be available in a limited edition and for a short time only. The German launch date is May 15, 2014. Austria and Switzerland will launch on June 1. It will not be available in travel retail.