3.5. - 4.5. 2014
This sounds rather familiar, doesn’t it? What easily could be recognized as a master example of superficiality, actually gets a very different meaning as soon as an artistic approach is implicated. When adapted as the headline for a group show it can probably alter very different artists positions to answer or even questioning this question. Ironic and cynical, blatant or subtle, abstract or precise, referring to answers or banalizing an overstressed quote.
Be prepared for an exhibition, which is showcasing a significant clash of ideas, where titular question obviously is proposed to the viewer as well.
3.5. - 4.5. 2014
95 Gallery, Münzstrasse 19 (Backyard), 10178 Berlin Mitte
Vernissage starts: 19h - 2.5. 2014
Curated by Thomas Marecki, founder of Lodown Magazine.