Brad Elterman

'Women' Exhibition

As a sixteen-year-old boy, Brad Elterman borrows a camera and goes to the spots where the fashionable people are hanging out. He is always at the right place at the right time and gets closer to the action than anyone else. Soon he is documenting the Hollywood nightlife of the late 70s and early 80s, the musicians, the concerts and the parties. He captures Bob Dylan, Blondie, Kiss and Queen for magazines such as Creem, Rolling Stone and New Musical Express.

Under the title WOMEN, a selection of Elterman’s works from this period will now be presented at the GALERIE FÜR MODERNE FOTOGRAFIE, together with more recent photographs.

Along with the women for whom the exhibition is titled, Los Angeles plays the second leading role in WOMEN. The city where the temperature is always right for lingering by the pool topless and being young, wild and hot. Elterman cites Helmut Newton and Ron Galella as his influences. And indeed their legacy is reflected in his images in roughly equal proportions: Big Nudes encounter an earlier, in other words, polite Paparazzo. Elterman photographs women on the boulevards of L.A., women in hotel rooms, women with pop stars or as pop stars.

Opening: 19.01.2015
Exhibition runs until 21.02.2015

Schröderstrasse 13, 10115 Berlin

Thursday & Friday from 12pm to 6pm and by appointment

All images courtesy of Brad Elterman