living the dream
After a successful premiere tour Elias Elhardt is proud to finally release his movie project CONTRADDICTION online to give everyone around the world the chance to watch it for free. This is his first own film project and marks a cornerstone in his new strive to combine his love for snowboarding with compelling storytelling and filmmaking.
Contradiction and addiction – both blend into one when it comes to the passion snowboarding. Elias pursues the questions which are most important to him. How can you bring Snowboarding in line with a responsible life? How can you deal with the contradictions which come along? How about the ecology and one self? How about the conflict of growing up with a sport, which keeps the kid in us alive and kicking?
Together with some of his best friends and companions Elias follows these questions and tries to find answers; among them Austrian Gigi Rüf, Frenchman Arhtur Longo and German Marco Smolla, who quit his active snowboarding career a while ago. Kevin Boyce from Mt. Baker (USA) gives fascinating insights into his life. Age doesn’t matter to live your dream, which Kevin impressively demonstrates. Being over 60 years old doesn’t stop him to snowboard up to 100 days a year. The movie is a true and authentic portrait of a generation growing up with snowboarding combined with impressive snowboarding skills of the protagonists.
Elias says: “The most beautiful love letter I could write, is also the most honest one. This basic idea has followed me through the process of making the CONTRADDICTION movie.“
supported by
Nitro Snowboards
Smith Optics
Deeluxe Boots
Elias Elhardt
Arthur Longo
Gigi Rüf
Marco Smolla
Kevin Boys
Werni Stock
Sven Thorgren
Alex Tank
Markus Keller
Nico Bondi
Ron MCManmon
Richard A. Moore
Elias Elhardt
Studio ACF
executive producer
Madeleine Sanderson
Nick Ryle
Duncan Western
Unit9 Films
Statten Roeg
Simon Reichel
Elias Elhardt
film editor
Simon Reichel
director of photography
Tom Elliott
Lukas Lerperger
music by
Daniel Bury
Benjamin Bury
Simon Grothe
camera operator
Alexander Tank
Tijl Bex
Pirmin Juffinger
Elias Elhardt
Karsten Boyens
Daniel Schissel
Sven Thorgren
Carlos Blanchard
Daniel Ausweger
Simon Reichel
Felix Urbauer
Sam Giffin
Mark Ruperalia
Mauro Castelani
location sound recordist
Christoph Holzknecht
Joe Nattrass
aerial production services europe
Aerial Operator Europe
Daniel Ausweger
Lukas Lerperger
Aerial Production Services Europe
Aerial Operator Europe
Christoph Thoresen
Aerial Production Services USA
Dyrland Productions
Aerial Opertator Services USA
Michael Dyrland
production stills photographer
Carlos Blanchard
Alex Papis
supervising sound designer
Chris Banks
post production facilities
Splice Post Production
Post Production Producer
Ramit Anchal
bookings coordinator
Aishah Kibria
sound design
Michal Maletz
Elliott Bowell
online editor
Sol Coker
Kevin McDonald
Connor Ellliott
subtitles english
Max Whittal
subtitles french
Matthieu Giraud
subtitles german
Marco Smolla
ressort support
Hintertuxer Gletscher
production insurance
Photoshield Insurance
Hiscox Insurance
accountants and tax advisers
Hodgson Lucraft & Lawes
logo, titles & poster design
Max Pietro Hoffmann
publicity & communications
Birgit Gruber
Music courtesy of ddition records limited
Daniel Herskedal
Tropical Music GMBH
Genioh Yamashirogumi
Martin Brugger
Daniel Bury
Benjamin Bury
Simon Grohte
Erased Tapes
Nils Frahm
very special thanks
Unit 9 Films
Michelle Craig
Adam Dolman
Martin Brugger
Carlos Blanchard
Marco Smolla
Annika Müller
Lily Martin
Johannes Schröder
Isabelle Robertson
Tom Pope
Kris Ludi
David Bertschinger Karg