de paris
deuxième vague
De Paris released & uploaded their second take on a Paris all-star video from both the men with the cam and the skaters, including shots edited by Francisco Saco, Shota Sakami, Olivier Fanchon and Hugo Campan, all brought together by Guillaume Périmony.
Jeremy Garcia
Remy Taveira
Oscar Candon
Joseph Biais
Roman Gonzales
Vincent Touzery
Vincent Coupeau
Mickael Mackrodt
Sam Partaix
Romain Covolan
Stephen Malet
Dimitri Kostoff
Guillaume Caraccioli
Graham Thoms
Maceo Moreau
Santiago Sasson
Hadrien Haverland
Yann Garin
Marca Barbier
Juan Saavedra
Max Géronzi
and tons of others