Independent Magazine Festival in Hamburg

Indiecon 2015 is the second annual gathering organised for the makers of independent magazines. On August 28 & 29 , the governing question will be Is Indie forever?, sparking discussions about independent magazines as the inspiration for new ideas, about growth and about the question of stabilisation - how a model for life and work can grow out of the idea for a mag. 

The indie mag scene has been and is seen as a driver of ideas for music, fashion, art, design - as well as for social developments. Jeremie Leslie (magCulture), multiple award-winning British editorial designer and author of the standard reference work on independent publishing Making Magazines', isn't wrong when he talks about a "Second Golden Age of Magazines".  

Indiecon is about the freedom that an independent magazine can offer, but it's also about the restrictions with which makers are confronted. That applies to a particular degree to Ibrahim Nehme, who produces a 'magazine of possibilities in an impossible country'. In his pan-Arabian title 'The Outpost', the Lebanese makes a critical examination of rigid social structures in the Middle East - and aims to inspire his readers to do something about them.  

After the conference for the trade, Indiecon will be open for public with #indiemagday, which will see a 750 square metre Free Trade Zone for Printed Goods opening at Hamburg's Oberhafen. #indiemagday provides space to swap thoughts with the people behind the magazines, browse for rare magazines, discover indie mags from a vast array of subject areas - and buy them. The range spans everything from hand-glued to kiosk-sold titles, a lot of magazine makers will be there in person and will present their publications. What's more, magazine stores such as 'Gudberg Nerger' and 'Magasin' will be on site with a wide selection of international indie mags. The result will be a rare mix of zines and comics, large, small, established and new magazines.


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