Julian Charrière
September 15 through November 27, 2021
Julian Charrière’s new exhibition at DITTRICH UND SCHLECHTRIEM conjures visions of planetary conflagration while circling around dream states and concepts enabled by the strange light of extractive modernity. Further developing his interest in collisions between earth systems and applied science (as well as hallucinatory night-club aesthetics), the project stages weird confrontations between solid rock and the porosity of our imaginations. This is achieved through sculptures that are offered as tools, meant to catalyse both Traum and trauma in users.
We encounter aesthetic oscillation between expansion and contraction: blasts of light outfrom an interior and barely contained by mineral. That same light meeting eyes, buried beneath eyelids. Eyes whose sight pushes outward through the skin, towards illumination. But this is not all. In line with previous work, Vertigo leverages the pathos latent in nightclub scenography. In so doing, Charrière hedges against pomposity while approaching the classic dialectic between mind expansion and retreat from the world in pursuit of enlightenment. Vertigo is, somehow, a disco ball made of New-Age healing crystal.
DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM · Linienstrasse 23 · Berlin 10178 · Germany