MIXTAPE MONDAY: Mushrooms Project
Odyssey Podcast
Their name pretty much says it all: If your psychonautic adventure misses the accompanying soundtrack, the italian duo’s hallucinating but all encompassing, mesmerizing, deep, druggy and chunky mid and slo tempo analog driven grooves perfectly fill in the acoustic blank. But Mushrooms Project, known for numerous releases on Leng, Bear Funk, Is It Balearic?, Opilec Music, Tirk and many others also are vinyl aficionados par excellence whose deck skills are highly demanded from Ibiza to UK to Berlin and back to Italy. Being long time fans of their output, it was a logical conclusion for us to get them on our mixtape monday cruise ship. So we’re glad they agreed to be the captains for this week.
Watch out for their actual release „Psilocybe Odyssey Pt.I & II“ on Opilec Music, some stuff coming up on Claremont 56 and their next album later this year. Whoever happens to be in Parma should not only get a hand on the region’s delicious ham, but also make sure to catch a night in their little club „Balearic Basement“.