MONDAY MIXTAPE: whypeopledance
"the hypothesis of dance"
Yes, you probably won’t believe it, but there’s a bunch of podcast series that are even better than ours. Whypeopledance is one of the few. Hailing out of Vilnius, Lithuania, the promoter and DJ team of Karolas (founder of whypeopledance) and Vilmantas (Serial Experiments, who joined a bit later with the LAYERS mix series) not only present great mixes on a regular basis by the likes of Cosmo Vitelli, It’s A Fine Line, Andrew Weatherall, Marvin & Guy, Zombies In Miami and about 150 more so far, but also DJ under the same name, are premiering tons of hot stuff cut of the same cloth on their platform (with a little help by friend and co-founder Paul) and are movers and shakers of the scene - not only in Vilnius.
Next up they will be having an event series in their favorite Vilnius club Kablys starting from the next season, without any doubt they will continue their mix series with quite a few interesting guests, some exciting releases and an edit or more than one by Serial Experiments seeing the daylight - an edit for Tolouse Low Trax is getting a vinyl release in September, so watch out!
The mix they did for us „is a trip into our usual style, with most of our recent favorites and a story that each has to experience on their own.“.
An experience it is. We know why people dance. Enjoy! And Dance!
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