Oz and Cobalt
Antwan Horfee
2022/09/14 2022/09/18 RUTTKOWSKI;68 Wilhemhallen Berlin
Antwan Horfee presents Oz and Cobalt at Art Week Berlin, a series of works about adventures in places that don’t exist.
Each work invites to a trip to an alternate version of our world. To imaginative realities, pastime futures and resurfaced fantasies. They depict universes without protagonists other than the space itself and yet arise from subversive narratives of countless books, movies, comics and graphic novels reaching from US classics of traditional musicals and Science Fiction, to the progressive underground comic and zine culture of the 70s and 80s. The heroes from fantasies like the “Wizard of Oz” and pioneers of elevated ideas repressed by the establishment as published in OZ magazine, can be found in the visually intense works, that resemble an allegoric comment on the science fiction comic series “Cobalt 60”.