mono.klub #52 conversation
‘For me my works are almost like what a star is to a constellation. They are points or particulates within a larger story,’ says American artist Trevor Paglen in the current issue of mono.kultur #44. And indeed, there are few artists whose work is as deeply embedded in current matters of concern, questioning the impact of technology, economy, military or politics on the human condition. Trevor Paglen likes talking about those larger stories, and we certainly love to listen.
Join Mono.kultur for an evening of conversation between Trevor Paglen and Krist Gruijthuijsen, the director of the esteemed KW Institute for Contemporary Art, discussing Paglen’s latest cycle of works and research into the hidden worlds of machine vision.
For almost ten years, Paglen has been studying computer recognition programs and how machines are learning to ’see’, and how these developments interact with our daily lives. His research has led to a new body of what he calls ‘invisible images’, generated entirely by Artifical Intelligence systems – but of course, those are only particulates within a larger story.
mono.klub #52
TREVOR PAGLEN with Krist Gruijthuijsen
mono.kultur #44
Trevor Paglen:
The Edge of Tomorrow
16. January 2017 / 19h30
KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststraße 69
10117 Berlin