's out to burn
It’s no secret that we’re living in times where society in the prosperous West is even more divided than ever. While one half is still celebrating the possibility to simply press a button to make an SUV show up in front of their doorstep the next day, the other is trying to spin their minds around a carbon-free future. While some already readjusted their life to the current realities, others see any change of their status quo as an instrument of oppression controlled by the invidious left. In actuality though it is a thankfully easy task to align yourself to circumstances that promise a possible future for humankind and not just a grim epilogue of the history of this planet. We can and must all do our part. There is no other envelope to choose from.
Vehiculo. What was supposed to be a triptych on artistic views on mobility now gets a fourth chapter due to the overall positive responses we’ve received.
This issue once again is filled with the output of forward-thinking individuals that much more prefer to push the artistic envelope instead of resigning themselves to any kind of standstill. And hopefully you like the result as much as we do.
Stay focused. Reject apathy. Godspeed.
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