Bharti Kher
three decimal points. of a minute. of a second. of a degree
‘I create from a space that doesn’t exist. I am not interested in the things that I know but in things that I don’t know about.’ – Bharti Kher
For her first exhibition at Hauser & Wirth Zürich, Indian contemporary artist Bharti Kher unveils a new ensemble of sculptures that have been growing in her studio over the last few years. In line with earlier studio practice, Kher assembles, juxtaposes and transforms found objects that are witness to their own histories. Wooden wheels and architectural remnants, mannequin body casts and pillars all clash in mis-en-scene of dystopia and grand orchestration.
22 Nov 2014 – 10 Jan 2015, Hauser & Wirth Zürich
Opening: Friday 21 November 6 – 8 pm
