Big Bad Wolves
Tarantino's new favourite
With “Rabies“ the congenial Hebrew writer/director duo of Navot Papushado and Aharon Keshales were basically introducing Israeli pop culture to the world via an unexpected genre-bender informed by American slasher flicks. Three years later they are back with a very different kind of beast in the form of “Big Bad Wolves“, a heavily intense revenge thriller about a horrific series of murders, pedophilia, torture, Jewish mothers, vigilantism, hapless accidents, conviction and how grief can turn law-abiding citizens into monsters.
What could - or actually should - have been a very bleak filmic experiment on human depravity, surprisingly doesn’t only turn out to be one of this year's most wildly entertaining - and darkly funny - movies, but actually is one of the most thought-provoking and morally ambiguous films to hit our screens in a very long time.
After its triumphal procession through the international festival circuit earlier this year - where Quentin Tarantino excitedly stated that BBW is the best movie of the year in his humble opinion - the film will see its US premiere this January. Check the new trailer below to get an idea why it's equally delighting and grossing audiences out since its premiere at Tribeca last spring.