DIE 50
Mit Vergnügen & Mvschi Kreuzberg gather this year for the third time to host the Kreuzberg Blockparty DIE 50 SCHÖNSTEN RAPPER #3 . Even the nicest rapper eventually grow old and rough, therefore is important to us this year to promote the young particularly dears . That's why we support with the income from ticket sales to the youth center Naunynritze in Kreuzberg , which can thus expand and finance their musical projects for young people .
50 rappers perform 50 songs - Newcomer alternate with Oldschoolers and Street Rappers with Trap sounds . The event will start this year already during the day - at 3 pm a blockparty will be held in the heart of Kreuzberg. We look forward to :
Tickets at Koka36:
Wann: 30. April 2016 ab 15 Uhr
Wo: Prince Charles Backyard