FLick Affairs
Buster's Mal Heart
Isn't it great that a few trailers still just play their cards right and won't give away the entire plot but throw intriguing images at you instead? To be honest though: it would be absolutely impossible to adequately sum up the plot of “Buster's Mal Heart“ in the first place.
Sarah Adina Smith's follow-up to the mesmerizing “The Midnight Swim“ sees Rami Malek (of “Mr. Robot“ fame) playing wild man Buster, who just loves to mess around in empty vacation homes during winter time. But he's playing mild-mannered husband and father Jonah as well, who's doing nightshifts at an empty hotel in order to pay the bills. Then there's another Buster who's seemingly lost at sea. And then there's something about the upcoming Y2k apocalypse. Or maybe not because it's actually pretty hard to figure out what's real and what's not. Nevertheless it's a fascinating ride. Check the trailer out below.