Inseln Neukölln


Stephane Leonard presents Inseln - Temporäre Galerie in der Quartiershalle auf dem Campus Rütli - CR² , Rütlistraße 35, Berlin Neukölln

Exhibition: June 16 to 29, 2016
Opening hours: Monday to Friday | 10am to 5pm | open on June 25 and 26 during the Festival "48 Stunden Neukölln"

For the exhibition series TRANSFORMATION, the Berlin artist Stephane Leonard created the site-specific installation "Inseln" (islands) in collaboration with students from the secondary levels of Campus Rütli, accompanied by the art teacher Christine Sader. The cooperation between the artist Leonard and the Rütli teenagers began in April 2016 with a joint exploration of the neighbourhood. Together they looked for seemingly casual, random forms, colours and line arrangements, jointly created by man and nature. This was followed by discussions and common drawing sessions. To conclude, the collective work was assembled in a specially built room-in-room construction within the exhibition space.

On view will be the large-format results of this unique collaboration.