
25th Anniversary Collection

When you’re about to sink your teeth into something you believe could soon become a business, you almost immediately learn that wealth is in ideas and enthusiasm - and not necessarily money. The origin of the rather absurd idea of founding a company is kept alive by love, hope and fear, by a certain kind of childish faith, by trial and error - and a lot of patience.

IRIEDAILY’s Midseason Collection “Authenticschool 2.0“ pays tribute to the humble beginnings of Berlin’s beloved streetwear flagship and goes back to the days when the distinction between being a company and being a brand was rather vague and the designation “Made in Berlin“ had an almost exotic ring to it. The “Authenticschool 2.0“ capsule doesn’t only reanimate IRIEDAILY’s claim and signature logos of those times but gives it an adequate modern makeover as it is prominently placed on tees, crewnecks, hoodies and jackets, which shine in today’s trendy colours and usage of high-quality materials. In addition, they successfully dove into their design archives where they came across graphics - designed by  IRIEDAILY’s former art director and co-founder Jaybo - that perfectly stood the test of time and are now rekindled in all its wicked glory.

This collection isn’t simply an excursion into their past - it’s a prolog to their future and precursor of the great things to come as well, as IRIEDAILY is celebrating its 25th birthday in 2019.
You can never control who you fall in love with, but if you do you’d better make sure that you keep smiling, stay positive and give it your best 100 percent.

IRIEDAILY´s limited 25th anniversary collection is out now! Get it over here.