kalani robb
A Pipeline expert, coasting inside the tube easily, spiralling aerial manoeuvres, Kalani Robb is a fun-wave rider, able to make every move look stylish.
The Hawaiian surfer started at an early age, considered a young prodigy, he was once in the heat of every competition and even nick named “the next Kelly Slater”. Besides riding and promoting surfing with his onboard cam he just teamed up with MINI to design their first-ever surfboard. A board - Called the MINI - created for the waves of the Atlantic Ocean and European shores.
We had the chance to hook up with Kalani on a nice day in Santa Barbara to catch a vibe.
.What’s the vibe like on the water lately? Are GoPro users dominating? Do you take yours out on the daily?
Yes, I take my GoPro out a lot of the time when I surf these days. It’s an epidemic and a new way to capture what you do in your own special way. Lately I’ve been getting some awesome pictures that even surprise myself.
My Instagram is full of videos and pictures that let you see how I surf and have fun just messing around. Check it out and tell me what you guys think out there!!! @kalanirobb
.What are your thoughts on the ‘Bring reality back to surfing’ movement?
Well, I retired off the ASP tour very early because I felt like I wasn’t having as much fun doing competitions and not as many fun surf trips as I wanted to. I felt like I had done what I wanted with that part of my career and was ready for something more about the lifestyle of surfing. That’s when a popular TV reality show called “The Drive Through” series was created on FUEL TV here in America. It was a perfect way to do what I wanted to do which was have fun surfing with my friends and show surfing as I wanted to show it, fun and adventurous.
.What does flow mean to you?
The term “flow” to me means to go with the flow of things on a surfboard or just flow effortlessly and smoothly in whatever you do. It’s the basis of style to flow your own way and make it look cool your own unique way.
.How did you craft the design of the MINI surfboard? How did this progression take shape?
The new CI surfboard model we came up with is a compact, fast, radical design that has all the new school board designs built into it. It’s the board where pros and everyday surf fanatics meet. The new model - called THE MINI - has all the new designs pros are using today shaped so your everyday surfer can use it and ride a smaller high performance board than they would normally ride.
.What means to live to you?
My life is devoted to family and
friends and having fun. I surf and
love to be with my family. I’m pretty
damn simple, just let me surf and I’m happy.
Aloha, Kalani.