Kianja Strober
Of this Day in Time
Kianja Strobert: Of this Day in Time is the artist's first solo museum exhibition in New York, presenting a selection of paintings and drawings made over the last five years.
Kianja Strobert has emerged as an innovative voice in contemporary abstraction, through her exploration of acrylic, ink and other materials.
Her compositions convey a sense of movement that keeps the eye in constant motion, employing a gestural vocabulary of banded brushstrokes, swaths, whorls and zips.
The paintings, created in multiple small-scale series, allow for repeated, methodical experimentations with specific color fields and patterns, shifting away from grand, monumental notions of mid-century abstraction that emphasized the artist's gestural expression in relation to universal themes.
The Studio Museum in Harlem
November 13, 2014 - March 8, 2015