Makin' PAPER 5
zinefest at Hvw8 berlin
The saga continues… Makin’ Paper goes Round 5! After the successful zinefests of the last years, Lodown Magazine and HVW8 Berlin Gallery is organising the sixth edition of the Makin’Paper Fair in cooperation with the designteam of adidas sportswear and the gentle people of EDWIN Jeans. As in previous years, zine makers of all couleur will have the opportunity to present their work at the zine fair. In addition to local exhibitors, regional, national and international zine makers will offer their work for sale.
Makin’Paper presents zine culture in a holistic view. The spectrum ranges from arty fanzines to political zines to music fanzines. In addition Lodown Magazine will open its archive and will show zines from the past 3 decades and even going back further in time. The will also be various prints for sale.
On Friday we start with a soft opening from 2 PM and hopefully we'll go late. 3.- 5.11. 2023
HVW8 Linienstrasse 161, 10115 Berlin
FR. 14-22h - SA. 12-20h - SU. 12-18h