Petro SURF 2022
the island of sylt
24. & 26. JUNI 2022 PETRO-SURF 4.0 SYLT
Surfing and Porsche don't really fit under one hat for you? After all, what should long-haired surfers* have in common with swanky cars? Where best to start. Both clichés are a dime a dozen, and we'd like to get away from them. Because what seems less obvious at first glance are the respective passionate cultures that both topics represent. If the island of Sylt is added as a third protagonist, and in this case as a special venue, the result is a tingling symbiosis. Porsche and Sylt unite the image of exclusivity and tradition. And not just in the here and now, but for several decades.
Added to this is the fact that the island is known and loved as the birthplace of German surfing. At the beginning of the 1950s, it was Sylt's lifeguards who established the sport of surfing on the island and for the first time in Germany, giving rise to a completely new thing to the posh island. Also cross-generational and with the re-foundation of the Surf Club Sylt e.V. very much alive to this day. Surfing is a way of life for many generations, a common mentality and an integral part of the cultural heritage of the island. PETRO-SURF 2022 takes this incomparable liaison as an opportunity to bring people who love freedom, exclusivity and individualism together for a weekend in a special setting.
The location of the historically significant Munkmarsch harbor will carry the Petro-Surf flavor even more. To let the visitors dive deep into the Petro-Surf world, there will be a surf contest again in 2022, taster courses in surfing, two concerts with international artists, various exhibitions, as always a selection of air-cooled cars, a movie night, Tamiya team race, more booths and much more.
Festival Location Adresse:
Munkmarscher Hafen
Bi Heef 2
25980 Sylt OT Munkmarsch