sink or swim
Element x TIMBER!
Forget the over crowded beach, Element’s new collection with Timber! is all about floating down river in DIY rafts.
Renowned Element advocate and artist Chad Eaton aka ‘Timber!’ collaborated with the brand to create a collection for true outdoorsmen and wanderers everywhere who might need to pack it all up and hit the trail at a moments notice.
The collection includes pieces of heavy duty canvas, headgear, tees, fleece and more, all of which featuring the incredible artwork of Chad Eaton based on the journey of rafting down river. We’re pretty sure the river represents life or something… like the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Except this time that little rascal Huck’s got a waterproof inflatable backpack and his trusty shred sled to get him downstream.
Chad Eaton was so kind to send us his sketches and more insight:
> A lot of your artwork coveys a certain restlessness with modernity, an itch to explore places more interesting. Do you ever get the urge to unplug and hit the trail like true a ramblin’ man?
I actually do ramble quite a bit. It feels like I’m always on the road exploring... But I never unplug. A reason that I always ramble so much is I can work now from almost anywhere.
> I never thought I’d see Sasquatch with an inner tube. Why the aquatic focus this time around?
Why not?! haha. Its always fun to put my characters into different situations and themes. The aquatic theme just sounded like a fun one to explore.
> How does this collection connect with your past work? What does Timber! have in store for the future?
This collection has all my familiar characters in a new adventure. I working constantly with element on collections. I have a few more in the works at the moment. Now I am trying to be a bit more creative with the themes. One of them is just about house painters :) It is my most favorite so far. Should be out in 2019.
> You seem to be constantly producing interesting and quality content. I wonder, what is your creative process like? Do you sleep on the drawing board?
My process is all over the place. Ideas can come from anywhere. If I have an idea, I will always try to turn it into a story that I can build off of. Once I get a story in mind its easy for me to start creating what i need to. I don’t ever sleep at my drawing board, I just draw in bed. Not kidding, I have a drawing table with wheels on it and I can roll it over my bed when needed. I set up my life so I can always work on things no matter where I am or how I feel.
> Have you ever been up a creek without a paddle?
Yes, Many times… But it made me a better swimmer :)
itv. Will Willard
sketches Chad Eaton