Around and very close

On the Swiss and German art scene, Albrecht Schnider (born 1958 in Luzern, Switzerland) is a prominent exponent of the genre of painting. He has consistently developed his own idiom of form and colour, which oscillates between abstraction and figure, abundance and absence of meaning, closeness and distance. Recent exhibitions include solo shows at the Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, and the Kunstmuseum Solothurn, both in 2011. 

Since 1998 the artist has been living and working in Berlin.

March 19 to April 23, 2016
Opening: Friday, March 18, 7 to 9 pm

G A L E R I E  T H O M A S  S C H U L T E 
C H A R L O T T E N S T R A S S E  24  /  1 0 1 1 7  B E R L I N