Bad meaning bad
blue mondays
Our good friend Lucas Hunter - badass DJ, Klasse Recordings chief-honcho and gifted graffiti artist - initiated a new rad (and free) event series by the name of “Bad Meaning Bad“.
The first edition is scheduled for April 7, 2014 at 7pm at Café Futuro on Pannierstr. 12, 12047 Berlin.
“Mondays are the worst. Period. And the first Monday of the month is nothing less than the first of (at least) four horrible days to come in the following month. What better ways to celebrate this everlasting bad-trip-deja-vu by watching horrible movies and mending the hangover with some proper liquids and excellent popcorn. “Bad Meaning Bad“ debuts with a showing of 'The Room', which is widely respected as the worst movie ever made. Tommy Wiseau directs, produces and stars in this shudder-fest of bad script writing, awful acting and terrible timing. See below for trailer.
Freshly buttered popcorn will be available as will liquid refreshments. Movie starts at 8pm sharp!“