gemälde, 2015
linus bill + adrien horni
Not everything has to be big. But this has to. Thinking about how images get created and have changed culture, some people will agree that a big part of what we percieve is just a picture of something real that is ways bigger or ways smaller than it is on our screen on in our magazine (at least you can touch it there). Pictures have taken over communication.
Linus Bill & Adrien Horni treat their images different. Starting off analog, passing material on to the machines, they create tons of images, which are then used to fill their book, or so-called 'catalogue' named Gemälde 2013-2017. The interesting part is that this is just their foundary of unpainted paintings. When setting up an exhibition, they look at the wall and choose one of those little images they have created. But because the resolution of those images suck, they have to figure out a way to reproduce it on a bigger scale, which means they make something real out of a virtual picture.
See their reproductions in real reality at the Galerie Allen in Paris before your reality escapes and gets substituted by an image.
28th May, 2015 — 26th July, 2015