If you call a soft spot for dubstep that's equally as banging as it is overall melodic your own, then Ivo might be a household name already. Having released on labels such as Southpoint and CNCPT Collective, he finally returned after a year-long hiatus, which saw him relocating to London from Bristol and slowly but steadily working on new material.
“Having honed in on a deep, melody-rich dubstep sound over the last four years, on ‘Eva’ ivo goes full HD, building dubby, star-gazing atmosphere with shimmering, metallic synths and washed-out tones. Complete with a self-edited video shot in Snowdonia — it depicts a horned sea-creature being summoned from the ocean by two witches (!), synchronised with the audio via fast-paced cuts and abstract FX — ‘Eva’ deals with the ongoing conflict between the natural world and man-made, urban environments.“
Check the video below. “Eva“ is out now, and you can get your hands on it over here.