JAZZ 2.0
They debuted with a record called Quick & Dirty, and I’ll do my best to get to the point with equal ardour and efficiency. I wouldn’t necessarily call their earliest efforts punk-jazz, even though I saw the term being thrown around a lot in regards to their debut material, but lets say they could’ve played this stuff while opening up for NoMeansNo and no bottles would fly. They’re called Kaos Protokoll. Their bandleader Benedikt Wieland lives in Berlin now while the rest of the band, as far as I understand, are still back in Switzerland. The other fellas are: Flo Reichle on drums, Simon Spiess on saxophone and Luzius Schuler on keys.
They just released their third full-length called Everyone Nowhere. And what might’ve gotten them that slot to split a bill with the aforementioned duo who used to release on Alternative Tentacles – whatever that was – that definitely isn’t there anymore. But that’s a good thing. "Everyone Nowhere" is probably Kaos Protokoll’s most soulful release to date. It’s full of emotion and well comfortable in its own skin. It’s the type of music that slowly seeps into your pores and lingers long after the record is over. It’s warm. Their latest video for a composition titled "Story Line" came out just recently and presents a perfect gateway to Kaos Protokoll 2.0.