Levi'S 501 DOC
myth and truth
Levi's® presents The 501® Jean: Stories of an Original, a documentary that celebrates the 501® Jean’s influence on popular culture as a design icon so huge that in most people’s minds its pretty much the default reference for a pair of jeans.
Levi’s has decided to pay tribute to its denim masterpiece. Stories of an Original is a biography of a consumer good, a social history "of the acceptable uniform of non-conformity".
The video looks at the technical refinement of the 501 jean and the way that Levi's are linked to American popular myth and legend, and latterly as an icon of glamorous delinquency
The three parts are titled “Work,” “Style,” and “Rebellion,” and explore the 501’s influence on various aspects of popular culture since its creation in 1873. It’s a fitting tribute to such an influential piece of clothing.