Andreas Mühe
April 26th - August 11th, 2019
Tue-Sun, 11-18h
Catch Andreas Mühe’s newest exhibition at Hamburger Bahnhof. Titled “Mischpoche", the work is centered around family portraits, marking another chapter in the artist’s examination of identity and the past. In these images Mühe joins together the living and dead members of his highly diverse artistic family, as he continues to work solely with analog photography techniques and focus his images on the idea of staging.
Mühe has attempted a challenging personal interaction with his gifted family on his father’s and on his mother’s side, with famous German names such as Ulrich Mühe, Annegret Hahn, Jenny Gröllmann, Anna Maria Mühe and Konrad Mühe. In photography-based compositions that juxtapose living family members with the sculptural replicas of those that have died, Mühe examines and questions photography’s ambivalent significance hovering between truth and construct.
Check it out!