Bronx '79
the birth of hip-hop
Hip-hop docs are nothing new - many tried to tell the story about how everything began, and the majority of them with rather uneven results. The new documentary “Bronx '79“ directed by Peter Mishara seems to stand out from the crowd though, as it shows the untold story of the true pioneers and the world of NYC South Bronx in 1979.
The trailer gathers impressive guests known by any hip-hop honcho: Jeff Chang, American journalist and hip-hop music critic popular for his book “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop” which won the Before Columbus Foundation's American Book Award; the photographer Joe Conzo and DJ Disco Wiz, credited as being a member of one of the first hip-hop DJ crews with ‘Mighty Force’ in the mid-to-late 1970s.
The key to success of this documentary is the narration, employing first-person interviews with original footage and photographs of that era with unique recreations through stylized animation and live-action. There is no doubt that this doc has done its homework just right, and will show the history of this counterculture in its urban and social context.