CDR Berlin
Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 19:00 - Friday, 8 August 2014 at 02:00 (CET) Berlin, Germany
20h: workshops with
RY X (The Acid / Howling)
OPEN CDR - submit your tunes to hear them during the night
Chicago resident Sadar Bahar has been digging for records all of his life, and he has yet to take a break. He spent most of his time in record shops seeking vintage deep house sounds. He soon realized that while he was out searching for the deepest cuts, people had practically stopped playing this kinda music, and instead they were playing beat-driven tracks. Sadar and his partners then began developing their own unique sound, known as SOUL IN THE HOLE music, which can simply be defined as keeping the “soul” in that deep hole of musical treasures. It is all about the vibe that can only be derived from “real” music, created by “real” musicians playing “real” instruments. They have stayed true to the game of spinning, and avoided falling into the usual techno/electronics traps. For them, it's strictly vinyl and vinyl only.
Australian singer/songwriter Ry Cuming — better known as Ry X — became internationally known for his single "Berlin" in 2013. Born in the coastal town of Angourie, New South Wales, he grew up listening to Pearl Jam and Jeff Buckley, an influence that you can easily hear in his distinct and ethereal vocal delivery. In 2012, Cuming moved to L.A. to do his first solo album. He then did several collaborations that led him to a great success, such as the hit single “Howling” which he realized with Innervision's Frank Wiedemann, or his latest project The Acid, a trio consisting of him, Adam Freeland and Steve Nalepa.
CDR Berlin: Every music producer knows the score - one can tinker away on a track for all eternity but it lacks something vital, and one still doesn't know what. Is the sound right? Does the arrangement work? How will the track work on the dance floor? What will my buddies think of it? When is the track actually completed? These are the questions to be answered at CDR. The aim of the event is not simply to give a straight lecture but to swap experiences in an open discussion with all participants. A subsequent club night with previously submitted tracks will continue after the workshops. Upload your own tracks to our Soundcloud dropbox and you'll get to hear them later over the Prince Charles soundsystem when CDR residents Dirk Rumpff and Tony Nwachukwu pull them together in a DJ set. The respective artists' names will be displayed, if requested, as to facilitate immediate feedback.
Get a taste of CDR incl. videos & pictures of the last sessions incl. Dixon, Peaches, Theo Parrish, Brandt Brauer Frick, Modeselektor etc. on