by Lisa Wassmann
DAZWISCHEN by Lisa Wassmann
Presented by obey art space and lodown
After bringing the world to a hold over the last two years, the pandemic “seems“ to be over. But even though we can use this particular time to regain social contacts, dance again and enjoy our lives, we know that we are just “in between“.
Unfortunately the never ending crisis and ongoing wars all over the world never take a break. It seems to be a short summer of taking a breath.
Photographer Lisa Wassmann displays personal works with a focus on this exact feeling. A feeling of worldly dread and despair, that under the right circumstances can be muted for a moment.
Her photographies and installations show a scenario of joy, dancing and the feeling of not being alone in a world that right now seems to be “everyone for themselves“.
July 6 (5PM opening) - 8.7.22 OBEY ART SPACE _ INSELSTRASSE 13, BERLIN MITTE