J. Grant Brittain
Arkitip x Fact.
FACT. & Arkitip have partnered with the legendary photographer J. Grant Brittain to release a six part T-Shirt collection of 80’s based, street focused skateboarding images.
"We dug into his back catalog and found these iconic images which we think exemplify the power, style and creativity of the scene in that era. Using the images as a canvas, we asked Grant to tell a story in his own words and handwriting, which we applied over each image to complete the design. The finished multi-layered designs are bold, colorful and potent."
Bonus: Check a recent interview with J. Grant Brittain conducted by Arkitip.
Q – How did you first get introduced to skateboarding and then photographing skateboarding?
A – My brother and I got skateboards one Christmas when I was 10. We also got BB Guns and Walkie Talkies, sounds dangerous. I worked at the Del Mar Skate Ranch from 1978-1984 and borrowed my roommate’s Canon in February of 1979 and started shooting my friends. It all just started as a hobby in the beginning.
Q – Having worked with many of the same people (skaters, brands) for so long, what keeps your interest and motivation?
A – I just like the way skateboarding is so photogenic, the action, the energy and how it’s always progressing. As a job, I like how it’s not like any other job. It’s pretty cool.
Q – Have you or do you have a favorite skater to shoot?
A – I have certain skaters that I still get stoked on shooting. I know that we together will get something stylish and timeless. Chris Miller, Tony Hawk, Steve Caballero and Christian Hosoi are still all good friends of mine and they make getting a good photo easy.
Q – With the introduction of digital photography and the popularity of social media, how has that changed or not changed your approach?
A – I dig it all. Digital photography speeds everything up and social media just gives me more avenues to get my photos out there and promote skateboarding, the Skateboard Mag and myself.
Q – How would you like to be remembered in the annuals of skateboarding history?
A – I just want to be remembered for shooting some quality images and that I shared my skate photography with the younger photographers coming up after me.