Peles Empire
Also part of Berlin Gallery Weekend, Peles Empire is a group show at Wentrup Gallery, from 30th April - 6th June.
For their second solo show at WENTRUP, Peles Empire has designed a large-scale installation, which is based on their many years of exploring the relationship between original and copy.
Strategies of optical flattening out and illusion, the transformation from 3D to 2D and back to 3D, and not least the question as to if and when a work can ever be understood to be completed — these are some of the motifs Peles Empire handles in their exhibition 1EYE 2EYES.
Truely an exhibition of many mediums, Peles Empire here employs sculpture, classical painting techniques of trompe l’oeil, but also combines them with more recent phenomena in the history of architecture and photography such as “forced perspective” images, which redefine proportionalities within representation—reality relations.