Thomas Campbell
Bronze On Wood & interview
Thomas Campbell has been an advocate and brand representative of Element for almost 5 years. He just released his latest line of board graphics, utilising some quite original techniques as multi-disciplinary artist. T-Cam casted several sculptures out of bronze and matched them to the team rders. By juxtaposing one of the most ancient practices of art with modern humour, he catapults it into the 21st century on skateboards.
Unfortunately his answers for Lodown #100 came in too late for print, but perfect for this occasion:
Where were you located in 1995 and what were you aiming for back then?
I lived the first few months of the year in Morocco, painting and preparing for a solo show at the alleged gallery in New York. I went home to Santa Cruz for a few months and continued to work on the exhibition, then opened that exhibition" Bliss treatment in progress" in the spring. I liked New York and moved there for the next 3 years. What was I aiming for, same thing I am aiming for now. To be a creative person and enjoy life and the process.
In your personal opinion, what’s the greatest (and maybe even most relevant) thing that went down in pop culture since 1995?
Fuck, I don't know.
How would you describe your current approach as an artist... and would you say that it drastically changed over the years? I would say I am smarter and use my energy more wisely, but it's all a process really. And hopefully you are always learning.
Is it easy for you today to be as enthusiastic about that (leftfield) pop culture bubble you’ve helped to shape as it was twenty years ago?
I have no problem being motivated, I live in the woods and make stuff. Generally don't worry too much about it or has it gone down. Just very thankful to live a dynamic - creative existence.
What's the worst trend that happened during the last twenty years?
UGG Boots
Do you remember the very first time you’ve flipped through an issue of Lodown... maybe even what you took away from it?
There's a lot of Germans that are into graffiti and hip-hop culture.
Would you say that print is an obsolete medium these days or is there already hope for a renaissance?
People are always going to want to touch and experience things, it never went anywhere.
What can you announce for 2016 and beyond?
I am working on few cool new projects with element and have a new skateboarding movie I am trying to finish up this year " Ye Olde Destruction”, along with general art making and shows.