Learning from Frei Otto
ARCH+ features 57
Anna Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal will sit down for a discussion with Georg Vrachliotis on the occasion of the Frei Otto retrospective he curated at the ZKM in Karlruhe. They will discuss the conceptual proximity between Lacaton & Vassal’s work and the eco-houses that Frei Otto designed for the IBA Berlin. Both cases represent a vision of architecture as open structure, in which the resident’s space for creative freedom stands paramount rather than the creative will of the architects.
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Donnerstag, 09. Februar 2017, 19:00 Uhr
Akademie der Künste
Pariser Platz 4
10117 Berlin
img: Frei Otto: 1. Entwurf Ökohäuser Berlin. Modellfoto: Bernd Seeland. © Werkarchiv Frei Otto im saai